Upcoming News and Announcements
Midway Baptist Church first opened it's doors in September 1961 under the pastoral care of Reverend J. W. Johnson. It has seen some dramatic changes - from saying hello and goodbye to at least fourteen (14) pastors, to a new building designed to hold the growing number of members. For more than 50 years, Midway Baptist Church has shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Perry community and around the world. Many people have been blessed and lives have been changed through the ministries of our congregation (and, as such we have partnered with other ministries and organizations like Florida Baptist Children's Home, the Lighthouse Children's Home, as well as many others). We look forward with hope that we will continue to minister to those around us and that our community, state, nation and world will be blessed because we cared and went forth in Jesus' name. If you are currently seeking a home church, we would welcome you and your family to join us in doing God's work and that is bringing His word to a lost and dying world; "Jesus saves!" Join us in our efforts to reach out to a searching people.
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